Have you ever wondered how they get those quotes or thoughts on a picture? Why can’t you do it too?
You can… and you do NOT have to pay someone to do it.
You have the pictures, you have the cool thoughts or favorite quote you want to share.
YOU have the combination of picture and text you want. Who has time to go looking for the perfect combination when you can JAZZ UP your pictures, yourself?
For example, I took the picture of the moose standing in the field. I added a favorite quote and BOOM.
Watch as I share how I created a graphic with text, AKA meme on my iPad.
There are loads of free and very inexpensive APPs and websites available to create pictures with text.
Personally I’m a fan of Word Swag, an APP that works on Apple and Android phones and tablets. The free version is great and for a minimal amount you can upgrade and get even more features.
When possible use pictures YOU took, or that you have permission from friends and family to use, but if you get stuck and need a little something but don’t want to pay for stock photos, check out:
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