You know that Instagram “appreciates” and gives preference to those who post on a regular basis – right?
In a perfect world we’d all have an auto poster filled to the brim with posts ready to go out, without us even thinking about it, but at times, life gets in the way.
While in the middle of moving, with stuff in boxes, and the comings and goings entailed in moving a few hours away, I wasn’t as organized as I’d like to have been with my Instagram posts but…
I have my Twitter completely automated and loaded with tweets that go out, through out the day with out me touching anything. (Want information on that, reach out and I’ll fill you in.)
So with my Twitter pre-loaded with posts, that automatically tweet, when I get stuck for something and I’m in a hurry to post on Instagram, I have a ready source of pictures and even captions that I can grab and post on Instagram.
It literally takes me seconds…
Watch, over my shoulder, as I recycle a Twitter post.
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