While since I have the facebook live videos already going up, I wonder what is the next step to re-use, re-purpose what I have already created.


At first thought, that seems scarey. For some – a fblive is much scarier and I seem to already be over that one.

So let’s check out the 1-2-3’s to step it up

The very basic step to start with

  1. Create your Podcast artwork cover. – This can be a simple as using an app like Canva an creating your own artwork. We shall see if Apple podcast (Itunes) likes it. It need to be 3000 x 3000 pixels. As I am in the process of “Learning to do by doing”. I believe this will be what shows up on “Podcast apps” So you may want to BRAND yourself here.
  2. Write a compelling description. That is the step next to finalize for me.
  3. Create your content. They suggest at least three episodes ready to go for a start. For me, I seem to already be doing fblive videos that I am Re-purposing into blogs, so the next step was podcasts.

My why … to start a podcast. It seems that “content” was holding me back. I now have over 62 days of “content”. And the only way to learn how to…. is to do it, learn as you step into it. My inspiration was this ebook below that I was asked to contribute to. Why not share it was the “listener” out there, as some read, some watch, and some hear. In the end it is all how it makes us “feel”

If you would like a copy of the eBook “Ready to Rise” for more insight thoughts, check it out at these link. https://www.readytorise.co.uk/, in Canada, it’s https://amzn.to/2SGJxmu

All eBook proceeds are donated, you can find out more in the eBook

If any of this resonates with you and you want to reach out to me or the author, or want to share with a friend that may see some value in this, feel free.

Cheri Shapley

Find Your Passion and Run With it!


and send me a private message or email

Email Cherishapley@icloud.com


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