“It’s said that visionary decision making happens at the intersection of intuition and logic, and it’s an art only when you don’t know the science. But I believe it’s both.”

We all know overwhelm can be a bitch, keeping us stuck whilst our dreams slowly die inside us.

So, when it feels like you’re drowning in your to-do list with no lifeline in sight, use my 5D Decision-Making Matrix to help identify your priorities and take action on the things that matter.

Instinctively assign each of your to-do’s one of the five D’s and take inspired intentional action!

The 5D’s are:

Do it – The important high=priority activities that help you achieve your dreams.

Ditch it – Let go of distractions and things other people want you to do. It’s ok to politely decline.

Delegate it – You don’t have to do everything yourself. Choose someone to delegate to, hand it over with faith and praise for their expertise and valued support then get back to your priorities.

Delay it – Sometimes if it’s worth doing, it’s worth doing well. Give items that can wait a date and time when you can commit your full focus and take more effective action later.

Do it less well = I know it sounds horrendous the idea of not giving everything your very best effort. But trust me, it is better than perfect!

Zoe Goode is the Intrepid Leader of The SoulFire Revolution. She’s on a mission to ignite the world with intuitive badassery. Fueled by books, bourbon and the belief there’s a better way.


If you would like a copy of the eBook “Ready to Rise” for more insight thoughts, check it out at these link. https://www.readytorise.co.uk/, in Canada, it’s https://amzn.to/2SGJxmu

All eBook proceeds are donated, you can find out more in the eBook

If any of this resonates with you and you want to reach out to me or the author, or want to share with a friend that may see some value in this, feel free.

Cheri Shapley

Find Your Passion and Run With it!


and send me a private message or email

Email Cherishapley@icloud.com


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