Are you suffering from S.O.S.?

Shiney Object Syndrome..

So many people do…
I was one of those people also.

I seem to be a collector of things
totally unaware of it until we moved after 27 years in the same location. Well, I guess I knew down deep.

The kids were off on their own, and of course we still had most of their treasures still with us. You know the treasures that mean nothing when they first leave home, but mean so much when they have little ones o their own. And I totally refuse to throw away pictures of their school friends and buddies.

We moved and I learn that I seem to have 4 of everything. I resolved to not need to buy anything until……until I used up all that I had.

It seems that moving across the yard to a new house when the girls were in Grade 12, just added to the problem.

I was busy working 9-5 and came home tired at night. Well let’d face it, sometimes the 9-5 turned into 9-9. I believe in doing a good job and doing it right.

It seemed that when I had a moment to go thru my essential oil collection, I had more than duplicates of them all. My excuse, I forgot to change the monthly order. Its seems for three months in a row sometimes.

Was I,……. a collector of self development courses as well? So it seemed. Well I will finish this course when I have time. Oh Look…… this course sounds just perfect.Yes, the S.O.S was kicking in.

And of those environmental friendly re-useable clothes and environmentally friends cleaning supplies and laundry detergents. Even heard of a dry ball?

Well I seem to enjoy collecting those as well.Under the disguise of, if I have too many, they will make wonderful “Shower Presents”, you know a couple of fuzzy dryer ball and toss in a nice essential oil for essence. Yup, Confirmed S.O.S. was running wild in my house.

How did I kick the habit, you ask…. As you may well recognize or have that little voice whispering in your ear also.

Moving sure smack you up side the head and your are packing stuff up.I actually got to the point of “I don’t care….just throw it away”.

My new rule of thumb, if I cannot find it….my husband threw it away. But really, I most likely still have 3 more somewhere.

Now just try and get me to buy something.Nope.…not going too. I bet I already have it. I do not need it! And of course when we moved I got laid off my job of 24 years as I was moving anyways. So my flow of $$ seems to stop.

Time to revamp my life, and figure out a better way.

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