“Every Crisis Has a Lesson”

In the 2007-2008 downturn, I was crushed. My income had gone down by 50%, I had lost money due to bad advice and realized that I had not been saving enough for short term as well as long term needs.

Are you facing any or all of those challenges? Here is some great advice.

Five Questions Every Intelligent Investor Must Ask:

  1. Do I just have disparate Investment Products or an overall Investment Strategy?
  2. Do I have a strategy to protect money as much as possible from these three – Taxation, Inflation, Market Fluctuation?
  3. Does my strategy have these three accounts? – Short-Term, Mid-Term, Long-Term
  4. Am I asking these questions, before making a compelling case for moving money?
    1. Is my money too exposed to the three things that could take my money, Taxation, Inflation and Market fluctuation?
    2. Does my current money have no strategy? Will my future investment needs be met by implementing a better strategy?
    3. Are my investment fees too high to justify returns in the current products?
    4. Are my investments products giving poor performance?
    5. Am I getting poor service? Like no one is available to answer key questions?
  5. Does my strategy include playing Offense and Defense?

Remember, money takes twice as long to come back as it does to go down. We must have a plan to grow our money while protecting it as well.


If you would like a copy of the eBook “Ready to Rise” for more insight thoughts, check it out at these link. https://www.readytorise.co.uk/, in Canada, it’s https://amzn.to/2SGJxmu

All eBook proceeds are donated, you can find out more in the eBook

If any of this resonates with you and you want to reach out to me or the author, or want to share with a friend that may see some value in this, feel free.

Cheri Shapley

Find Your Passion and Run With it!


and send me a private message or email

Email Cherishapley@icloud.com


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