What a scarey thought to a lot of people.

You mean…… like talking out loud on social media.

But, but, but, I (and the studdering begins).

Is that fear, you hear, scared someone might say something….


Remember this, how did you first learn to walk.You most likely do not even really remember…..

To help you remember – watch a baby taking their first steps….

They fall down, bump into things, get stuck….. wonder why can’t they fit thru that little hole between the couch and the wall. Or they stand up under the table and BOOM…. ouch. ( well more like WAAAAAA).

Do they give up and just stay the same…..


They keep going and learn, learn, learn.

And suddenly you see, out of the corner of your eye…. They are cheering themselves on, as they figured out How to get on the couch all by themselves. They scream, A scream of pure joy. The “I did It!” Scream.

They kept at it, until walking was second nature to them, and so did most of you. There is always an exception to the rule..

The same goes for PUBLISHING on social media.

Today we will talk about the why to do a facebook live or even a video.

What are your reasons why…. NOT TO DO It?

When you share your story, your challenges, your day, your adventures, both good .and bad – you are letting people get to know you better. The ones that relate to what you have, or you are going thru… they are the ones you will attract as an audience. They can relate to you.

Basically you are on the same wave length…..the same frequency.

Like really…. think about who your perfect friend is, your perfect client, your perfect customer. They are someone that relates to the same journey you have been on and are on right now. They understand you and you understand them.

So just like learning to walk….pull up your determination and JUST DO IT!

Things do not have to be perfect to learn this skill. You get more and more comfort as you do more and more facebook lives. You can always do a video first on your cell phone or laptop and keep repeating it until you are comfort And then post it. That way takes much much longer.

And remember to laugh at yourself, YOU are DOING IT! Are they?

Smile and have fun. What kind of audience are you wanting to attract….one that smiles and laughs with you. (Well that is what I am attracting my way).

Share your positives and your negatives with us. Perhaps others have also encountered that and found a way thru that challenge. Or perhaps your adventure will save someone from having to learn the harder way as well.

The point is #doitanyways JUMP on my newsletter list on my website www.cherishapley.com Or private message me for the link.

Find Your Passion and Run With it.

Cheri Shapley

Remember to reach out to me, if you want some help.Some encouragement or even just a big SMILE!

See you on your own Facebook live!


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