“Listen to your intuition, it will tell you everything you need to know.”

When faced with a crisis or called to perform under pressure you can easily find yourself in a cycle of overthinking. In a world where intellect is rewarded, many ignore the gut or use their intuition. Intuition is automatic, fast and occurs subconsciously whereas analytical thinking is slow, logical and conscious. Recognising and listening to your gut is important not only for business but for your mental health as well.

Why is ti important:

-Trusting your gut is the ultimate act of trusting yourself.

-It helps you to avoid unhealthy situations and relationships.

-It is shaped by you past experiences and knowledge.

Here’s how to practice:

1.Slow down and find stillness. This helps to recognise and process the information you are receiving.

2.Breathe slowly, notice and listen to the bodily sensations (changes in heart rate, breathing, muscle tension etc)

3.Be curious about what they are telling you.

4.Focus on what feels good. Tell yourself out loud what decision you are making and see how your body reacts to it. Or write it on a piece of paper, steep into its energy field and notice the somatic response.

Use it or you lost it!

Jo Cowlin is an intuitive coach and facilitator who works with leaders and their teams to help them regroup, refocus and create exceptional results and can be found at:


If you would like a copy of the eBook “Ready to Rise” for more insight thoughts, check it out at these link. https://www.readytorise.co.uk/, in Canada, it’s https://amzn.to/2SGJxmu

All eBook proceeds are donated, you can find out more in the eBook

If any of this resonates with you and you want to reach out to me or the author, or want to share with a friend that may see some value in this, feel free.

Cheri Shapley

Find Your Passion and Run With it!


and send me a private message or email

Email Cherishapley@icloud.com


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