“When you have a Powerful, Exciting and Crystal-Clear Vision for How You Can Create Your Life and Your World, Everything Changes. And THAT’S When the Magic Happens!”

You CAN do this! Opportunities are everywhere, if you would only see them.

With 30 Years’ experience, 10 businesses and three recessions behind me, I help business owners like you navigate choppy waters, breakthrough barriers and rise to reinvent.

You’ve had the busy, busy and done the outer work.

Now do the inner work for you, which is more sustainable and lasts for life.

Your perfect formula is: Motivate your mindset and master mindful meditation (silence your inner critic). Clear Your Mind Clutter (opens your creative brain space for new ideas). Vitalise your Vales (stops sabotage – self and others ).

Visualise your Vital Vision BlueprintTM, (switch on your success ‘SatNav’ to spot those opportunities that are right for you as you traverse your roadmap to your ideal life and business).

Manifest your magnificent Masterplan.

Act with accountability (self and others) and arrive exactly where you want to be when this time passes, as it surely will! Remember these three things. Mindset Matters because your thoughts become things. Make then constructive. Your beliefs affect everything you are, do and have. Positives attract and negatives deflect.

When you are down, the ONLY way is up.

Valerie Dwyer is an Award Winning Success Coach and Mentor. Valerie helps ambitious, successful business owners rebuild confidence, gain clarity, focus and direction, generate growth ideas and break through barriers to greater success.


If you would like a copy of the eBook “Ready to Rise” for more insight thoughts, check it out at these link. https://www.readytorise.co.uk/, in Canada, it’s https://amzn.to/2SGJxmu

All eBook proceeds are donated, you can find out more in the eBook

If any of this resonates with you and you want to reach out to me or the author, or want to share with a friend that may see some value in this, feel free.

Cheri Shapley

Find Your Passion and Run With it!


and send me a private message or email

Email Cherishapley@icloud.com


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